Angela Shultz

Kevin Scott Hall
"Do Overs" Don't Tell Mama  –  November 21, 28,  December 2, 6,  January 4 After enjoying a long run with her last show, "Kiss Me Like You Mean It," a couple of years ago, and receiving a 2010 MAC Hanson Award, Angela Shultz has returned with a brand new show—even if its title, "Do Overs,"...

Charles West

Mark Dundas Wood
"Feeling Good" Don't Tell Mama  –  November 16, 17, 23, December 8, 15 When Charles West steps onto the Don't Tell Mama stage and delivers his first song, you may think: Geez, isn't he just a little too much? West is suave and self-possessed. He has chiseled good looks and he's full of sexy growls....

The Bobs

Mark Dundas Wood
"The Bobs Return to the Duplex—with Angie Bob! The Duplex – November 11 Celebrating 30 years of performing, the Bobs still pack a punch with their clever a cappella stylings, which were dubbed "New Wave a cappella" back when the group started out. Their approach to songs is fairly consistent: One member of the quartet will take...

Billie Roe

Roy Sander
"Dangerous Women – Life in Film Noir" Don't Tell Mama – November 4, 11, 18, 25 I was so taken with Billie Roe's performance when she was a contestant in the first MetroStar Talent Challenge, that even though over three years have passed, I still recall it vividly. Since then, she has been high on...

Colleen McHugh

Mark Dundas Wood
"More Songs of Self-Delusion" Birdland  –  October 24 You can't fake the sheer love of performing that Colleen McHugh demonstrated at her birthday show at Birdland. Or if you can, you're the Meryl Streep of cabaret. The birthday girl clearly worked hard that night, but she made it all look like a spirited round of...

Gregory Nalbone

Kevin Scott Hall
"Gregory Nalbone In Concert" Metropolitan Room  –  November 1 Gregory Nalbone's name has been popping up in cabaret circles in recent months, not only because of his various shows in many of the rooms around town, but because of his modeling photos in various stages of undress. Naturally, the singing gigs and the looks have...

Craig Pomranz

Mark Dundas Wood
"Love and the Weather" Metropolitan Room  –  October 5, 9, 12 Craig Pomranz is the cabaret singer of the people. He calls to mind a working-class politician—a populist candidate trying to earn my vote down at the general store. On the afternoon I saw him, Pomranz didn't bother with a grand entrance from the lobby,...

Yvonne Constant

Elizabeth Ahlfors
"La Différence" Metropolitan Room  –  October. 20, 29, November 2, 7, 14 For women, reaching that certain age is less of a bugaboo these days, with vibrant entertainment idols as Marilyn Maye, Elaine Stritch, Julie Wilson, Barbara Cook and Barbara Carroll still drawing significant public interest. You can add to these gals Yvonne Constant, who...

Kim Grogg

Kevin Scott Hall
"One Hit Wonder Woman!" Don't Tell Mama  –  October 18, 23, 25, 30 It's hard not to share in Kim Grogg's delight when she puts together a smorgasbord of big-hit anomalies from the pop charts of the '50s through the '90s. One anticipates hearing those seldom-heard oddities that had a season in the sun on...

Lauren Fox

Roy Sander
"Here's to Love" Metropolitan Room  –  March 21, 28, April 4, 11, September 8 I hadn't planned on reviewing Lauren Fox. I went to her show at the Metropolitan Room last month purely out of curiosity: though this was her first venture into cabaret, she had received praise for her recent work in theatre, and...